The Career Management Skills course

Dear Games-Students

This is a page for the Career Management Skills course, where you are able to assess the material from the workshops and activities. 

Using your studies as a stepping stone to an internship, a student job - or a full time position sounds rather obvious. However, the step - or transition - may at times benefit from a bit of support and guidance om how to best connect with industry, build a professional network or just making sure you communicate yourself in the best way possible. This is the aim of the workshops and activities of the Career Management Skills.

I look forward to get started!

I hope the methods, reflections and exercises, you will be presented with, will aid you in your career journey will you study and once you graduate and make the transition to life outside ITU.

Remember, you are always welcome to send me an email (also once you have graduated), if you wish to talk about your specific career thoughts.

All the best,

Career Management Skills 01


Forløb for KDDIT, Efteråret 2020
Slides fra undervisningen - Første lektion

Jobsøgning fra A-Z:
Opbygning af CV/ansøgning, Retorik, Formidling og Argumentation 

Close-up of computer key Enter

Career Management Skills 02

Notebook, pen and coffee


Forløb for KDDIT, Efteråret 2020

Slides fra undervisningen - Anden lektion

Oversættelse af styrker til arbejdsmarkedet:
Kompetenceafklaring og Virksomhedsbesøg

Career Management Skills 03


Forløb for KDDIT, Efteråret 2020
Slides fra undervisningen - Tredje lektion

Jobsøgningsstrategier og ansættelsesproces:
Tendenser, Data og Fremtidens Jobmarked 

a blank piece of paper

Career Management Skills 04

Network cables side by side


Forløb for KDDIT, Efteråret 2020
Slides fra undervisningen - Fjerde og sidste lektion

Netværk og Work-Life Balance 
