We recommend that you talk to a student advisor, if you become a parent (by birth or adoption) while studying at ITU.
Take leave of absence or apply for parental exemption?
Did you know that there is a difference between taking a leave of absence or applying for a parental exemption? Depending on what you choose, your rights will vary both in terms of your studies and your financial situation.
If you apply for a leave of absence, please be aware that you cannot be study active in the period of your leave (you cannot attend classes or go to exams). In addition, you will not be eligible to receive SU grants.
For more information, go to Leave of absence.
If you do not want to take a leave of absence, you can apply for a parental exemption. Please read below for more information.
Parental exemption
You can be granted a parental exemption when becoming a parent through childbirth or adoption.
A parental exemption enables you to take a break from your studies for some time but also gives you the possibility of combining parental leave (“barsel”) with being an active student and receiving SU or students birth grant (fødsels-støtte). In practice, this means that you can study between 0-30 ECTS per semester and attend exams during your parental leave.
You will typically need exemptions from various study rules, which depend on where you are in your studies. You may need an exemption to:
• Deregister from course(s) you have registered for (“the binding course registration”)
• Postpone the deadline for completing your first-year exam (“the first-year exam”)
• Postpone the deadline for completion of your programme (“the maximum programme duration”)
• Reduce the required ECTS you must pass each study year (“the progression requirement”)
• Postpone the deadline for a project or your thesis (“project or thesis deadline”)
See for details about your possibilities
As the mother you are entitled to two semesters of parental leave starting either from the semester in which the birth takes place or from the first coming semester after the birth has taken place.
You are due on 4 June 2025 (i.e. Spring semester 2025), hence you have the following options:
• Apply for parental leave in the Spring and Autumn semesters 2025
• Apply for parental leave in the Autumn semester 2025 and the Spring semester 2026
Please note that when you apply for a parental exemption you will automatically have your maximum duration postponed corresponding to the length of your parental leave.
As the father / co-parent you are entitled to one semester of parental leave either in the semester in which the birth takes place or in one of the following two semesters.
Your partner is due on 4 June 2025 (i.e. Spring semester 2025), hence you have the following options:
• Apply for parental leave in the Spring semester 2025
• Apply for parental leave in the Autumn semester 2025
• Apply for parental leave in the Spring semester 2026
Please note that when you apply for a parental exemption you will automatically have your maximum duration postponed corresponding to the length of your parental leave.
When your parental exemption is granted, it cannot be altered. However, you can apply for an exemption to alter the semester(s) of your parental leave if unforeseen circumstances occur in relation to your or your partner’s pregnancy, the birth of your child, or your parental leave.
Examples of unforeseen circumstances:
• You fall ill due to your pregnancy
• Your child is born prematurely
How to apply
You apply for a parental exemption by filling out this form:
Parental exemption.
To your application you must submit documentation of your parenthood in the form of either a birth certificate, paternity certificate, the medical record (vandrejournal) or other medical documentation or adoption papers. The documentation must contain information about the due date, name and civil registration number. You are welcome to blur out the remaining information.
You must also submit a provisional study plan which shows how you plan to complete your studies.
Please state which semester(s) you plan to be on parental leave including which semester you plan to start the parental leave and when you plan to resume your studies.
Send the application to sap@itu.dk.
SU when becoming a parent
You can apply for additional SU clips if you become a parent while studying. Read more about additional SU clips here.
Your responsibilities
We expect you to check your ITU-mail regularly while you are on parental leave.
You must also remember to register for study activities (courses and projects) in accordance with your study plan during and after your parental leave. We do not do this for you. Please be aware of the registration periods.