GitHub is a common place to store repositories of open-source code in git or svn format. It is free of charge and works splendidly. It does not provide free access and storage for private repositories, therefore, ITU has launched its own hub for private repositories. The hub can be accessed through .
Get started
On your first visit you will need to create an account with your itu initials. Set any password; but access it with your regular ITU password afterwards. All functionality is identical to private repositories at GitHub itself - only without the charge of 7 $/month.
For detailed descriptions on how to use GitHub at, please refer to the documentation on or walk through the thorough bootcamp available on your front page after login.
The hub is for source code management only. ITU will not tolerate misuse by storage of binaries, such as media files or similar. Users with excessive traffic or disk-space usage will be throttled and/or asked to move their repositories. Access is only for staff and students at ITU and will be revoked upon graduation or termination.