When you graduate from your studies at ITU, you will be issued an official diploma.
Your digital diploma
We will send the diploma to your e-boks within two months after your final exam. The month of July is not included when calculating the two-month time limit.
The diploma will include the following
- Confirmation of your degree in Danish and English.
- Transcript of your grades in Danish and English.
- Competence profile in Danish and English, listing the knowledge, skills and competences you have obtained from your study.
- Diploma Supplement in English describing the official main fields, language, level and requirements of your study.
See examples of the Competence profile and the Diploma supplement.
You can find information specific to your study programme in your curriculum.
Official and legal
The diploma includes a signature from both the Vice Chancellor and Head of Students Affairs and Programmes and it also includes a seal. It is an official and legal document.
If, while waiting on your diploma, you need official documentation that you have finished your studies, you can print a transcript from My Study Activities, and then come by the front office in Student Affairs and Programmes for a signature and an official stamp.
While waiting for your Diploma to arrive you can print out a transcript to document your degree.
Find it in My Study Activities under transcripts.
If you can no longer access My Study Activities you can access it with your NemID - read more here
ITU can not offer to provide you with copies of your diploma or a new diploma, if you should lose your original one. The diploma will be issued in accordance with the current information available when you finish your degree. This means, that as a rule you can not get a new diploma, if you change your name at a later point.
As an exemption to this rule, the ITU can make you a new diploma, if you have changed your social security number (CPR-number). If this is the case, please contact sap@itu.dk for information on how to proceed.
Instead of a new diploma you can print a transcript of records from My Study Activities using your NemID as log-in. If needed SAP will be happy sign it and stamp it for you. See opening hours. Note that name changes will not appear in transcripts.
You can allow a third-party access to specific documents in your e-Boks for a limited amount of time. This means that you can easily share your diploma with a potential employer or with the public authorities. To give access you need to know the employees NemID identification (CVR-number + RID-number)
Please check
this guide from e-Boks on how to share your documents safely.
To obtain e-Boks, you must have NemID.
If you are currently living in Denmark, you can order NemID online or from your bank. Once you have NemID, you can sign up for e-Boks. NemID is available as a physical code card or an app. If you do not have a Danish CPR-number or if you are exempt from the e-Boks requirement you will receive your diploma by mail to your registered address. Please make sure we have the right address.
Read more about Nem-ID: https://www.nemid.nu/dk-en/
Read more about e-boks: https://brugersupport.e-boks.dk/hc/en-us
If you leave Denmark after graduation your diploma will still be issued to your e-Boks. Please make sure you have an activated e-Boks and NemID before you leave Denmark. If you need more information or help you can contact