The overall purpose of Information Security is to ensure that staff and students can deliver the required results with high quality and efficiency in their use of IT.
The goal is achieved by
Ensuring ACCESSIBILITY by a stable operating level
Goal: High uptime percentages and a minimised risk of major breakdowns and loss of data
Ensuring INTEGRITY by correct system functioning
Goal: Minimised risk of manipulation of and errors in data as well as systems
Ensuring CONFIDENTIALITY by secure treatment of sensitive data
Goal: Confidential treatment, transmission and storage of data
The IT University of Copenhagen uses the following documents to give everyone knowledge regarding IT security:
All students are responsible for backing up their own devices of their own accord. The IT Department does not provide a solution for student owned devices and cannot be held responsible for loss of data.
All students have access to several ITU student relevant systems such as LearnIT and GitHub.ITU. Data stored on systems managed by the IT Department, will be backed up as part of the IT Departments normal backup routine.
Minimize the use and sharing of confidential and sensitive personal information in emails by AVOIDING: