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Illness at exams

If illness is preventing you from going to your exam, in some cases it will be a help if you can notify your course manager. Of course this is not a requirement.

If you can document your illness, you can also report your illness to SAP and try to have your exam attempt cancelled.

Report illness at an exam

There are slightly different requirements when reporting your illness, and it all depends on whether your exam is located at ITU or if it is an exam assignment. 
In every scenario you will need to document your illness.

Medical certificate
See the detailed requirements for the Medical certificate here.
You must pay for the medical certificate yourself.

Read the instructions below carefully for how to report your illness.

You can have your exam attempt cancelled, if you can document illness at the day of the exam.

In order to have your exam attempt cancelled, you need to send a medical certificate, documenting illness on the day of the examination within 8 working days from the exam day. You also need to fill out and submit the illness form “Report illness at an exam”.

Send it to

You can apply to have your exam attempt cancelled if you have fallen ill and therefore are prevented from submitting your exam assignment.

Please fill out the 'Report illness at an exam' form. Please describe your illness and how it affected your work on the exam assignment. 

You then send the application form to within 8 working days from the submission deadline.

Remember to attach a medical certificate to the application, which documents your illness in the period of the assignment.

You can apply to have your exam attempt cancelled if you have fallen ill and therefore are prevented from submitting your project assignment or thesis.

Please fill out the 'Report illness at an exam' form. Please describe your illness and how it affected your work on the project assignment or thesis. 

You then send the application form to within 8 working days from the submission deadline.

Remember to attach a medical certificate to the application, which documents your illness in the period of the assignment.

Illness and Group exams

Different scenarios can be at stake when working on an exam assignment, project or thesis as a group. Please see the outlines below.

If a group member falls ill and cannot participate in the group work and contribute to the final assignment/project 

  • can continue on their own and submit without the non-participating student. This does not call for an exemption, since the remaining group is allowed to participate in the exam.

  • must submit their written work and are examined and assessed on the basis of this.

  • must NOT set the name of  the non-participating student on the assignment. But, if the student contributed to parts of the assignment, it is adviced to refer to it in the source reference.

  • must report the illness and then sit for the examination at a later point.
  • can submit an individual assignment at the re-exam if the re-exam is set as an individual exam.

  • cannot submit at the re-exam if the re-exam is based on a group submission alone.

If a group exam is required, as described in the last example, the student can apply for an exemption to have the re-exam form changed.

To avoid plagiarism, please beware of the formalities of source references and correct citation if you use material written by other students, or material of your own that has been used in another group submission.

If one or more group members fall ill during the completion of a group exam and the group is dependent on the ill member(s) for finishing the assignment/project which they have all contributed to.

must apply for an exemption (it can be assembled in one joint application)

The whole group must document how a submission is not possible for any of them due to the special circumstances.

must document the illness

If the exemption is granted the group must submit on the set date for re-exam submission and all attend the examination at a later point. 

If a group member falls ill after having submitted with his/her group but before or during an oral examination. 

will sit for the examination and only the student who is ill will sit for the examination at a later point.  

must re-submit the group project for the re-exam and take the re-exam alone.

Postpone Thesis

Special rules apply if you wish to postpone the submission deadline for your thesis.

Read more

Read more about your options if you are ill, not just in terms of exams, but in terms of your studies in general as well.

Registration and using attempts
Read more about registering for a re-exam in a course and re-exam in a project
Special rules apply to the thesis when it comes to using exam attempts. Please follow this link.

This page was last updated January 27 2025