• A bridge on the water


About motivation

Motivation is an important aspect of a healthy student life because it is your motivation which should help you keep the morale high and help you through “rough spots”. 
Naturally, all students experience challenges and hard times throughout their studies.

Finding your motivation

a compass lying in sand

What drives you?

Maybe you struggle with: a subject that is really difficult, a group collaboration that does not work or boring lectures. Here it can be essential to become aware of your inner motivation – what is it that drives me to study further… when studying isn´t just fun and easy?

If you manage to pinpoint you “inner motivation and drive”, then it can help you to see your situation from a "larger perspective". What impact does: a difficult/horrible course, a "bad" grade or a tiresome group work really have in the larger context?

Always remember your WHY

You will certainly find out, that not all courses are your cup of tea – and that is perfectly normal. Some courses surely just need to be completed so you can move on. And a grade can never express your outtake from an education or your value as a student!
So, it is important, that you are “in tune” with yourself about your own ambitions and expectations - when will you be satisfied with your efforts?

You can´t be the best at everything - and it is perfectly okay! Find out what motivates you - and acknowledge, that there will be courses which simply “must be overcomed”.

Motivation - how to

5 tips to increase your motivation

1. Reward yourself

Choose something that you really want: Whatever it is, use it as a reward for completing a study session. 

  • Maybe you want to go for a walk – but not until you’ve studied for an hour.
  • Maybe you are dying for a cup of coffee with your friend - but you can only go once you’ve studied for three hours. 
  • Maybe you desperately need to check Insta, watch the next episode of your favorite series  – but not until you have studied for…

2. Find the perfect study spot

It is important that you ask yourself, where you are most likely to be focused on your studies. Some students don’t have any problems working from home, others tend to do a lot of other things than studying, when they are at home.

Help yourself by studying in places that encourage to study and being focused. As an example, it can be difficult not studying in a library, were everyone else is working hard and being focused. 

3. Visualise your progress

Make a plan for each day, with all the things you need to do. Small and big. And them tick them off on a paper or so, to visualize, that you are moving forward.

You could also be making a “Finished”-list, where you write all of the things you have accomplished (read articles, taken notes, part of assignments) of the day. 

Maybe have a look at the page Planning

4. Include breaks

Do not forget to take small breaks during the day.

One way of securing your smaller breaks is by using the ‘pomodoro technique’.

The pomodoro technique is a time management method and was developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s.
The Pomodoro Technique is very simple and will help you to stay focused:

  • Study for 25 minutes
  • Take a break for 5-10 minutes
  • Repeat the cycle 4 times
  • Take a longer break

To help keep track of time, set a timer for both your study sessions and your breaks.

5. Block your digital distractions

If you need just a little help with your self-control, search for relevant website and app blockers.

All of them work similar: they block whatever websites or apps you want them to block.

The question is - what websites or apps tend to suck up most of your time? Then simply block them while you study. 

Doubts about your studies

Now and then, students doubt whether they have chosen the correct study programme.This is completely normal, and you are not alone having these doubts.
Often, it is even helpful to question your own situation and the decisions you have made to determine new goals or to find a new way forward.

The beginning is hard
If you are doubting your studies during your first or second semester, you should be aware that your doubts could be related to difficulties integrating and adapting. The transitioning from school to university is challenging.

Time and self-management, study strategies with an unfamiliar large amount of material, and finding out what is required of you to be a successful university student are particularly challenging in the first semesters.

It is not easy being new to all things. Be realistic about what you are expecting from yourself. Give yourself the time to figure things out.   

Check out these helpful resources

We have gathered some links that might be helpful for you to go have a look at.

Blurry nature


Find tools and learn more about anxiety, depression, PTSD, loneliness, sleep, mindfulness and much more

Fog and trees


Has online ressources to strenghten the mental well-being of young people in Denmark. Learn more about anxiety and mindfulness

A thick rope

SPS - special educational support

If you struggle with a physical or mental disability then it could be a good idea to check out if ITU can offer you some extra help.

Where to turn to for more help

If you feel like you are stressed to the point where you need help please contact one or more of the three mentioned below

If you struggle you can always contact us

The study and career guidance team

The Study and Career Guidance

No matter what – always find someone to talk to about your doubts.
There are various things you can do depending on what kinds of doubts you are having and what is behind them.

The student guidance counsellors at ITU can answer many of the questions and doubts you might have, and they also have a vast experience guiding students who need clarification in relation to their studies.