Atriumboks smal

Submitting written work

When you finally submit, please be aware that you will no longer be able to update or add to your submission.

Therefore always doublecheck that you are submitting the right version and that all the additional documents are submitted.

See below for details on how to submit and if needed read the guides provided to your left.

Course exams

You must have a front page with the following information:

  • Course titel
  • Course code. You can find the course code in the relevant course page in LearnIT 
  • The names of all students submitting the assignment
  • ITU-email for all students submitting the assignment (e.g. 

You submit under the relevant course in LearnIT and you will receive an auto-generated confirmation receipt by email.

Exam assignments for courses can be submitted two weeks before the submission deadline. 

Projects / Thesis

You must have a front page with the following information: 

  • Project title. If it has changed since you registered send the new title in an email to  
  • STADS code. You can find the STADS code in My Study Activities.  
  • The names of all students submitting the assignment 
  • ITU-email for all students submitting the assignment (e.g.  

You submit under the relevant project in LearnIT and you will receive an auto-generated confirmation receipt by email. 

Projects can be submitted when the problem statement has been approved. 

For projects and the thesis you have to upload the assignment and the appendix separately.

Please note that all thesis/project submissions will be automatically checked for plagiarism via Ouriginal.

Ouriginal is a software that matches text overlaps between different sources.

You can find more information on plagiarism here under Academic misconduct


Problems with uploading in LearnIT?
If you experience a problem, on the day of your exam, while trying to upload your exam assignment in LearnIT (i.e. related to your computer or the system), we need you to contact SAP (

Please write us an e-mail and attach the exam assignment 
as soon as possible. In the title-field please write: Urgent - Exam related

The time issue is vital, both in terms of receiving the assignment before the actual deadline, but also as close to the deadline, if it is exceeded.

Apply for an exemption
We also need you to send an actual application for exemption to be able to submit, but you can send this afterwards. You use the application for an exemption form, and you tick of the box "other". Remember to enclose documentation (i.e. a screenshot) Again in the title-field please write: Urgent - Exam related and refer to your earlier e-mail.


The information that has travelled from when you registered is not editable on the project page in LearnIT.

If you need your title for the project changed you need to write to The title in STADS is the title that will go on your diploma. This goes for the supervisor as well.

If you registered with a project description and your project has changed, you are not able to update it on the project page. The problem statement though can be added and edited until the formal deadline. Afterwards you cannot edit it.


If you and your supervisor agree, you can implement any change you want in the actual project. Your project description or problem statement will not be part of the assessment.
If you have substantial changes to the problem statement, method or the like, you may want to describe them in an appendix or a summary about the project process in the finished project.

It is up to the Course manager to decide if students are allowed to upload 1 or 5 files, in LearnIT when submitting a course assignment.

All students need to check the exam activity on LearnIT for information about this.

The standard is that students can upload up until 5GB and all file types are allowed.

If there are any restrictions it will say so on the course description in LearnIT.

Also, to make sure your files do not exceed the maximum permitted, you can compress them in a .zip file. Here is a walk-through how to do that.

For a project the standard file size has a maximum of 100MB.

The different types of files can be: .odt,.pdf,.rtf,.docx,.doc,.pptx,.ppt,.html,.htm,.sxw,.txt

Besides the one file that is the project you are able to upload 5 appendices, with a maximum size of 2GB for each. Always check the exam activity in LearnIT, when in doubt.

Also, to make sure your files do not exceed the maximum permitted, you can compress them in a .zip file. Here is a walk-through how to do that.

You must not upload files that are protected, i.e. password protected or encrypted.  

No, the system will close down for any uploads after the deadline. You can apply for an exemption to hand in after the deadline, but it needs to be on the basis of Special circumstances

If you want to apply, you should send the application as soon as possible and attach the assignment to the email. Remember to argue why you should be exempted.

Also see above, if you did not hand-in due to problems related to uploading in LearnIT.

If you do not submit within the deadline or if your application for exemption is rejected, a "not attended" (udeblevet) will be registered for the exam.

At first, you will upload a draft. You can edit the draft or submit it. Once you have submitted, you cannot edit your submission.

You can apply for an exemption from the rule, but this will often have to be on the basis of special circumstances

When you submit an assignment as a group, you should upload the project just once. Any member of the group can upload the project, and he or she must add the other group members in the submission window in LearnIT.

No, you shouldn't submit anything. You will get a "u" for "udeblevet" (absent). It can mistakenly be registered as a submission for the exam, if you submit a blank sheet.

When you submit in LearnIT, you can choose to make the submission "confidential" and only the examiners will be able to see it.

You can ask if the oral examination can be held behind closed doors, but kindly note that it’s up to the examiners if they accommodate your requests.  

Please use the possibility of confidentiality with care, as important knowledge sharing will be lost if it is used too often.