In order to apply for SU you:
- must be enrolled in a full-time study programme
- must be a Danish citizen (or apply for equal status as a Danish citizen)
- must be study active on your programme
- you cannot have an income from working, that exceeds what you are allowed to earn in a year (fribeløb)
- cannot receive any other governmental support
How to apply
You apply through
The link for login in with your NemID / MitID is easy to access from the frontpage at
Read about how to apply at / apply for the first time
SU for foreign citizens
As a foreign citizen applying for SU you also have to apply for equal status.
You must complete the application for equal status three weeks at the latest after you have made your application for SU in minSU.
If approved you will be awarded SU for your study programme just like Danish citizens.
How to apply
You apply through Here you also upload all the requested documents.
Read more about rules and regulations regarding equal status on the SU mainpage: SU as a foreign citizen.
You can watch a short video about applying for equal status on SU's website.
Useful to know
You must obtain 5 ECTS for each SU clip, you use/receive.
From an SU perspective, you are delayed in your studies, if you are more than 30 ECTS delayed.
Read more about the details connected to approved delay under Study activity requirements and SU.
If you are declared study inactive, your SU will stop the following month. You can be declared study active again when you have obtained ECTS, after which you will have to apply for SU again.
You can apply for additional clips if you are ill for a period of time, causing you to be delayed. It is a precondition for getting additional clips that you were delayed in your studies due to special circumstances and that you received SU when the delay occurred.
If you cannot complete your studies within the standard time limit, you must go to minSU and apply for a new end date on your studies. You need to check if you actually have enough SU clips to extend your education.
For example if you have your thesis deadline postponed, you will not automatically receive your SU grants in the extended period.
The SU employers at ITU will approve or decline your application for prolonged SU, depending on whether you live up to the conditions for receiving SU and if you still have SU clips.
If you are going abroad to study and have to pay tuition fee to your university abroad, you may apply for an SU scholarship to cover your expenses.
Read more about SU scholarships for studies abroad.
While away
If you are registered as being out of Denmark in the CPR-register, while on exchange, you need to notify SU about the period for your exchange. This ensures that you will receive the SU rate for living on your own. You notify us through "Ret min SU" / Oplys særlige bopælsforhold.
If you register your address with your parents while away instead, you will receive the SU rate for living at home with your parents.
If you are not registered as being out of Denmark, your SU will be defined as a standard by your address, either living on your own or living with your parents.
You can apply for up to 9 extra SU grants (klip) in connection with the birth of your child.
You can receive the extra grants in connection with the birth of your child whether you are an active student or not.
Read about extra SU due to childbirth.
You are welcome to contact the front office for Student Affairs and Programmes if you have general questions concerning SU.
SAP will also be able to help you get in contact with our SU-team if you need guidance on a specific issue related to your SU.
See the SAP front opening hours.
If your question is related to the process of applying for equal status, repayment claims or disability supplement you can also contact The Danish Educational Support Board.
For contact information please follow this link
For questions concerning repayment of SU loan and SU debt, you will need to contact Please follow this link
SU - highlights
One month of SU counts as a grant (et klip). The overall SU is portioned in 70 grants which equals 70 months of SU. This means that for a higher education you can receive SU for 70 months. The 70 grants equal 6 years of studies (5 years and 10 months).
SU is transferred to your NemKonto account, and you are in charge of registering which account is your NemKonto.
You receive your SU in advance. This means that you will be receiving your SU for the month of November already at the end of October.
Please be aware of the SU-reform that is put into action January 1, 2027. All students enrolled Autumn 2025 or later will be effected by this. Read more here
When you start your education, you will be granted SU corresponding to the education’s prescribed duration in months.
If you are admitted to your first higher education course no later than two years after having completed your qualifying exam, you will receive SU to the prescribed duration of the education + 12 extra grant portions. These extra grants (klip) can be used if you are delayed in your studies or you change your programme.
For students with a professional bachelor’s degree (professionsbachelor) rated for more than 3 years, or a BSc programme with Propedeutics, please look up the possibilities for expanding the frame for your SU.
How to expand the frame for your SU
Be aware of the SU-reform, that will cahnge the SU starting from January 1, 2027.
- You can apply for SU one month before the month where you qualify for SU at the earliest. If you can receive SU from September, you can apply at the earliest August 1.
- If your programme starts after the 20th in a month, you are not entitled to SU for that month.
- The deadline for applying for SU for e.g. the month of August is August 31.
- The deadline for applying for SU for the month of December is December 5. If you apply after this, you will receive SU from January at the earliest.
We recommend that you wait a couple of days, from accepting your place on your programme, until you apply for SU. Then we will have registered your programme which makes it easier for you to apply for SU.
It is your registered address that determines how much you can receive in State educational support (SU) The amount depends on whether you are registered on the same address as your parents or not.
You are considered to be living at home if:
- You are registered on the same address as one or both of your parents
- Or you often live at one or both of your parents’, aside from public holidays and Sundays, regardless of where your address is registered
You are considered to be living on your own if:
- You do not live with your parents, and you are not registered on the same address as one or both of your parents
- You are living at a boarding school, school home or similar. This applies even if you are registered with an address at one or both of your parents’
- You are living abroad (unless you are living with one or both of your parents abroad)
- You are studying abroad and not living with one or both of your parents while studying abroad
- You are registered on the same address as one or both of your parents, but it is your parents who are registered to your address
It is your registered address on the first day of the month that determines whether you will receive SU as living at home or living on your own.
Your residence status is automatically and continuously determined based on information pulled from the CPR-register.
If you move to or from your parents on the first day of the month, you will find that the SU you receive is based on the information about your address, which was valid until your move.
When the information about your move is known to SU via the public register, they will automatically estimate your SU again and you will receive a new support message. It can take about 7 to 14 days from the date of your move before your SU gets regulated.
If you start on a higher education programme consisting of both a BSc and an MSc programme, you need to apply for SU for each individual programme.
You will be able to receive SU in the summer period after finishing your BSc, if:
- You begin on a MSc programme no later than two months after having finished the BSc programme and
- You apply for SU within the normal deadlines
If you are the caretaker of a child you can receive a supplementary SU-loan and in some instances you can also receive a supplement to your SU (forsørgertillæg)
You are considered a caretaker of a child, if:
- You are the biological parent or the adoptive parent to a child under the age of 18 and
- The child’s address is registered at your address
You will not be considered the caretaker if you are for example the foster parent or stepmom/stepdad of a child.
If you are a single caretaker of a child or living with another person receiving SU you can be granted a supplementary SU-loan and a supplement to your SU.
You can apply for an SU loan in MinSU all year, if you are enrolled in the same programme all year.
You need to be eligible for SU and receive SU to be able to receive an SU loan.
The SU loan can only be transferred after you have approved the loan plan and accepted the terms for the loan. As is the standard rule for SU, December 5 is the deadline for applying for the month of December. The deadline for accepting the terms and approving the loan for a loan starting December is December 15.
The deadline for adjusting the loan (bigger or smaller) is the 15th of every month.
If you have used up all your SU and you are finishing your programme within a 12 month period (in some cases 24), you can apply for an end-loan. You need to be study active and have used up all the SU you are entitled to for your specific programme.
Whether you can receive an end-loan for a 12 month or a 24 month period, depends on whether you have received SU for the prescribed duration of the education + 12 months or if you have only received SU for the prescribed duration.
If you have received 4 months of SU end-loan finishing your BSc degree, as a maximum you can apply for 8 months when finishing your MSc degree.
You can receive the end-loan starting from the month when you apply for it. If you have been awarded the SU end-loan, you will receive a loan plan you need to approve in MinSU. Your end-loan cannot be transferred before you approve the loan plan and accept the terms for the loan.
The SU end-loan is transferred in monthly payments and in the loan plan you can adjust for every month whether you want the payment transferred or not.
If you want to cancel your SU for a month or more, you need to do it before the 15th of the month before you wish to have it cancelled. If you do not want SU for all of October, you need to cancel it no later than September 15.
If you cancel your SU for more than 8 months, you will need to re-apply for SU.
You cancel your SU in MinSU.
You can obtain a public transportation pass known as "Ungdomskort" if you meet the conditions and you are a student on a higher education programme approved for SU.
The Ungdomskort provides a daily public transport discount from your residence to the educational institution. In addition, the Ungdomskort offers a number of other advantages. You can use the Ungdomskort to go by bus, train and metro.
The specific conditions are:
- you follow a higher education programme approved for SU
- you do not receive a transport subsidy under other schemes
- you are studying actively (the educational institution will decide whether the student is studying actively)
- the education or the education programme is designed as full-time education
- you are not studying in Denmark on a ST1 visa
Obtain Ungdomskort.