Atriumboks smal

You register for the courses - not the specialisation

You sign up for the courses in the registration period in My Study Activities.

You do not register for a specialisation, but you register for and pass the individual courses on the given specialisation. A course registration for the 1st part of the specialisation is a prerequisite for signing up for the 2nd part in the following semester.

See your specialisation options under Your Programme / Specialisations

Individual specialisation

If the specialisation options do not meet your specific demands or ambitions, you can also apply for an individual specialisation. If your application is approved, you still need to register for the courses!

An individual specialisation must meet the same official requirements as the predetermined specialisation. As the specialisation normally leads to the thesis, you need to ensure a progression within the individual specialisation. A specialisation is in total 22.5 ECTS except for Games where the specialisation is 30 ECTS.

How to apply

To apply for an individual specialisation you have to make a provisional study plan and fill out an application form where you need to:

  • List the courses you want for your individual specialisation
  • Describe the content of the courses (and project), how they supplement each other, and why they are in an academic progression
  • Elaborate on how the individual specialisation fits in with the rest of your curriculum
  • Describe your motivation for applying for the specific specialisation and why the courses you wish to take cannot be your elective study activities?
  • Explain how the specialisation may lead you to and prepare you for writing your master thesis

Send it to

Only for SD

Before applying please do consult a lecturer/supervisor within the relevant academic area to get an indication of whether your plan for the individual specialisation looks reasonable.

In your application please name the lecturer/supervisor you have consulted.

Only for DIM

In the written application, please give your proposed specialisation a title. 
This will not only help you qualify your chosen specialisation but also make it more understandable for the assessors.

Only for CS

An individual specialisation is only possible if you are going on exchange. 

Any other scenario you pick the courses you want from the pool of specialisation courses offered. 

Timeline for applications

The deadline is every 1st of the month throughout the year
(July not included)

This means that all applications received up until (as an example) March 1 will be processed during March.

The reply to the application will then follow around first of April (the standard processing time being 4 weeks.) 

If you want to apply in good time, then aim at applying for Autumn courses already during Spring.

And vice versa apply for Spring courses during the autumn semester leading up.

Keep in mind that you will need to have the approval, to be able to register for a specific course the coming semester.

Therefore apply in good time with regards to the registration periods. Find them here

An approved specialisation does not guarantee you a spot on the course.


When to apply for an individual specialisation?

There is no specific deadline when applying for an individual specialisation. What you need to be aware of is that you should apply well before the course registration starts (December 1 and June 1 for spring and autumn semesters respectively), so you have a fair chance of receiving our decision, and act according to it.

You cannot register for the courses on your individual specialisation before the individual specialisation is approved. Read more about registration for courses.

If your application for an individual specialisation only has to do with the second part of your specialisation, ‘in due time’ still just means in time for you to be able to receive our decision and register for the specific course in the registration period.

Remember that it can take up to four weeks to process the application.

You still need to register

If your individual spesialisation is approved, it does not mean that you are automatically registered for the course(s). The decision is purely an academic assessment of the study activity and of the curriculum you are enrolled on. You still need to register for the course(s) on equal terms with all other students.

Again, we therefore advise that you apply well before the course registration starts.

Please note

When the period for changing a course registration closes, it is no longer possible to register for courses.

Pre-approval of courses

If some of the courses in the individual specialisation are held at other universities, you should apply for a pre-approval of courses together with the individual specialisation.

The application deadline for pre-approval is every 1st of the month (July not included)


If you have not yet had a reply to your application when the registration for courses starts, you should register for the courses you will want to take if your application is rejected.

You can try to change your registrations if necessary, when we reach the period for changing your registrations.

Be aware that in the period for changing your registrations, not all courses will be available, since they might have been fully booked all ready. So do not wait with registering at all until this period.