Atriumboks smal

Welcome from your programme

June 2023

Dear new Software Design student,

I am glad to welcome you to the Software Design study programme at the IT University of Copenhagen.

You are about to embark on a new and exciting journey in your career. In this study programme, you will combine the skills and experience from your bachelor degree with computer science. This will be a highly challenging endeavour as you need to acquire and master an entirely new set of skills. Your attention to detail will be in constant demand and your capacity for abstract thinking will be pushed to new heights.

However, you will also find this journey incredibly rewarding: The skills and technologies that you will learn over the next two years will open an entirely new world to you. A world with near-endless opportunities and unforeseen power, as well as beauty and elegance. Moreover, you will share this journey with fellow students, who are not only smart and highly motivated but also come from a wide variety of backgrounds. You will be in an excellent environment to learn and thrive.

I know some of you wish to prepare yourself a bit for the upcoming semester. We therefore offer two optional workshops in August: BootIT will give you a short introduction to fundamental programming principles, and BootMath will offer you the chance to brush up your math skills.

On your Introduction Day, you will be introduced to the Software Design study programme, to key staff members, to the building, and most importantly to your fellow students. Specifically for the latter, you will begin with the “Intro project”, in which you get to know your new fellow students through working on a shared task.

Welcome to the IT University!

Patrick Bahr,
Head of Programme in Software Design