Atriumboks smal

How to run

Run for ordinary or by-election?
If you want to run for ordinary or by-election you should fill out and register a candidate list. The Election Committee recommends the following procedure when filling in the form for registration of candidates:

1. Print out a candidate list

2. Fill out the general spaces
Fill in the name of the collegiate body, you wish to be elected for.
If your list is a VIP-list (member of the scientific staff): Write “Election group I”
If your list is a TAP-list: Write "Election group II"
If your list is a student-list: Write “Election group III”

Choose a unique name for the list (“The Humanists”, “SITU-List” or the likes). If you do not choose a name for the list, the Election Committee will choose for you e.g. “List 1”.

Cross off “Prioritised” or “Without priority”: 

• Prioritised: 
If you wish to run prioritised, you will be elected in the order you are listed on the candidate list. 

• Without priority 
If you wish to run without priority, it is the candidate(s) on the list with the most votes who is/are elected. The nominators are elected in correlation to how many personal votes each candidate receives. Votes for the list are not distributed between the nominated candidates. 
Please note that candidates to Subject Area Teams for Business, Digital Communication and Computer Science shall be nominated without priority, so the calculation of elected candidates can be carried out based on the number of personal votes obtained. 

3. Sign up candidates and nominators
If you have chosen to run prioritised, you should sign up in the order you wish to be elected. Make sure that you have as many candidates on your list as there are seats in the collegiate body you run for, and a corresponding number of alternate candidates. 
There must be at least five names on the list – the sum of “candidates” and “nominator” has to be at least 5 (each candidate is also a nominator for the list). Make sure that everyone on your candidate list is listed in the electoral roll for the collegiate body you’re running for. 
Everyone on your candidate list (candidates and nominators) must add their full name and birth of date and sign the form. 

4. Submit 
Submit the form for registration of candidates to as soon as possible and no later than November 13, 2024 at noon.