The exam period is approaching
The exam period is right around the corner, and we know you have been working hard all semester long. You might feel nervous, you might feel in control - but nonetheless to avoid you becoming frustrated or confused we have sampled some rules and regulations related to the exams, so you can quickly get an overview if needed.
Written November 25, 2024 by The Study and Career Guidance
When it comes to exams, a lot of students often feel nervous. That nervousness is important - it gives adrenaline and sharpens the senses - preparing you to perform better!
In combination with juggling all the knowledge and skills acquired from a semesters hard work, there is the administrative side to it.
What about the mandatory activities? What are the exam forms? What if you fall ill? What if you do not pass? When is the re-exam? What is the progression requirement?
Please follow the links below to just recap on relevant information about your exams:
Course exams / Course re-exams
Project/Thesis exam / Project re-exam / Thesis re-exam
Illness at exams - having an exam attempt cancelled
The progression requirement
You can look up the exam form for your exam on the course description in learnIT.
If you have any questions about the exam rules, please contact the SAP front office.
Likewise if you feel overwhelmed and stressed out by the exam situation, a talk with the Student advisors could be just what you need to get back on track.
Please also have a look at the film below - it is aimed at new BSc students, but it can give all students an insight into the most important study rules and will also give helpful information regarding exams.