Atriumboks smal

Welcome to your programme

June 2024

Dear new KDDIT students, 

Welcome the IT University in Copenhagen! You have been offered a place on the master program Digital Design and Interactive Technologies, among other curious, ambitious and motivated students. We hope that our program will provide you with the skills, knowledge and competence to shape our digital future. 
In your first year, we offer you an advanced understanding of what it means to do design, develop technology, work with people and establish innovations. In your second year, we offer various opportunities to shape your individual profile within digital design, through our different special topic courses and elective possibilities, which can include research or industry-oriented projects. 
Throughout the education you will meet fellow students from a variety of backgrounds. Some will lean more towards technology, some more to design, some more to research, and some more to practice, and everything in between. As digital design is a multi-facetted discipline, we embrace this student diversity, as it will lead to more inspiration, more creativity, and more collaborative and complementary learning. However, before you start our education, you might want to catch up on those elements that you have little or no experience in. Therefore, we have organized a collection of material and activities in the areas of design, programming and academic conduct to support your study start. For example, an exciting 2-day workshop that will introduce you to design theory and methods. Have a look here! 
You will be joining the ITU University, a young, small and lively place. You will be part of a community who are all excited about designing and developing technology, and open to support each other. You will be in a study environment where we hope you will thrive and that you will enjoy. 
A warm welcome to ITU and to KDDIT, we are looking forward to meet you! 
Head of Study Programme, Laurens Boer