Thesis process check-in: A workshop with inspiration on how to manage your ongoing thesis process

Thesis process check-in: A workshop with inspiration on how to manage your ongoing thesis process

About the event

Wednesday, March 20, 2024 2:15 PM - Wednesday, March 20, 2024 4:00 PM

At ITU in Room 2A12-14

Important Notice: Event Cancelled
Regrettably, this event has been cancelled due to insufficient sign-ups.

Please reach out to the Study & Career Guidance for an individual session instead

Struggling or facing barriers in your thesis process: While writing up descriptions, analysis, or discussion as part of your thesis process? Maybe it’s time to join fellow thesis writers for an inspirational session to zoom in on various strategies to manage your current thesis process.

Depending on your specific study program, the type of thesis you are expected to write may differ. The common denominator nevertheless is that you need to manage a more complex writing process that will eventually wrap up your research/case/project.

We strive to make this a hands-on and dialogue-based session aimed to inspire you to organize the final part of the your thesis process more wisely.