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Assessment of the study environment

All students are entitled to a good study environment in which they thrive academically and socially. At ITU, we consider it a shared responsibility among staff and students to create and sustain a thriving and inclusive study environment. 


It is a legal requirement for all educational institutions to carry out an assessment of the physical, psychological and aesthetic study environment at least every third year and to follow up on results. 

ITU’s regular Study Environment Assessment uses data from the The Danish Student Survey (Danmarks Studieundersøgelse) a survey carried out by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The survey collect data from all Danish universities. The latest survey ran in autumn 2023. 


Find the report with the latest survey results (data collected in autumn 2023) from ITU here: ITU Results from the Danish Student Survey Report 

The report includes both survey data and free-text comments. 


To discuss and follow up on results from the Study Environment Assessment, SAP provides management and decision-making bodies with statistics and tables showing results by study programme and for ITU as a whole. 

Student representatives in the SAT groups and in the Board of Studies are important actors in the follow-up process. The Board of Studies is responsible for discussing, identifying and deciding on areas in need of improvement. The board makes an action plan and distribute responsibilities for implementation of actions among management, decision-making bodies, committees, departments etc. Dean of Education Support assists in this process. 



The current action plan running from June 2024-June 2028 consists of initiatives and projects within three overall themes (Wellbeing, Learning environment, and Physical environment), which will be carried out by and involve students, staff and management.     

The Action Plan is dynamic and updates on progress, adjustments, etc. will be published regularly.

See the Study Environment Assessment Action Plan 2024-2028



See the Study Environment Assessment Action Plan 2021-2024 May2024 evaluated

See the Study Environment Assessment 2021 Table report here 

See the Study Environment Assessment 2021 Open answers report here

See the Study Environment Assessment 2020 Table report here

See the Study Environment Assessment 2020 Open answers report here

See the Study Environment Assessment 2020 Report elaborating on Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination here

See the full Study Environment Assessment 2017 (UMV) here.

See the Action Plan for the Study Environment Assessment  .

See the Study Environment Assessment 2018 here.

Read about the follow-up process after the Study Environment Assessment 2018 here  

See the Study Environment Assessment 2020 Table report here
See the Study Environment Assessment 2020 Table report here
See the Study Environment Assessment 2020 Table report here
See the Study Environment Assessment 2020 Table report here