Atriumboks smal


During the course of your programme, you have to choose and pass a specialisation. This gives you a more distinctive profile and it is an opportunity to point your academic profile in the direction you wish to go after graduation.

You can choose one of the specialisations in the table below, or you can apply for an individual specialisation (see below).

For how to register, go to Study Administration / Registration

The details
Each specialisation amounts to a total of 22.5 ECTS points, and consists of two specific modules:

Module 2 is a 15 ECTS course that you attend during the third semester.
Module 1 is a 7.5 ECTS course that you attend during the second semester.

Big Data Part 1 - 7.5 ECTS
Big Data Processes
Part 2 - 15 ECTS
Critical Big Data Management
Read a description of the specialisation here

You register for the courses - not the specialisation

You cannot register for a specialisation. Instead, you must sign up for and pass the courses on the specialisation. A course registration for the 1st part of the specialisation is a prerequisite for signing up for the 2nd part in the following semester.


Individual Specialisation

If the specialisation options do not meet your specific demands or ambitions, you can apply for an individual specialisation.

An individual specialisation must meet the same official requirements as the predetermined specialisation. As the specialisation normally leads to the thesis, you need to ensure a progression within the individual specialisation. A specialisation is in total 22.5 ECTS.

Please follow this link for information on how to apply.

Digital Democratic Citizenship
Part 1 - 7.5 ECTS
Digital Democratic Citizenship
Not offered after spring 2017
Part 2 - 15 ECTS
Digital Democratic Citizenship in Research and Practice
Not offered after autumn 2017

Process Innovation and New Business Models

Part 1 - 7.5 ECTS
Digital Business Models
Not offered after spring 2018
Part 2 - 15 ECTS
Process Innovation
Not offered after autun 2018