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Mind map exercise

How to make a mind map

Mind mapping is a simple way to organize your ideas for a project or to remember arguments in texts you read.

Using a mind map makes it easier to see the connections because you illustrate them.

You can use a mind map when you are going to find an idea for a project, if you are making notes to a text or to get an overview of what you have learned in a course. You can also try to create a mind map in order to understand how theories an concepts relate to each other.

  1. Find a piece of blank paper and a pencil.
  2. When you make a mind map start with ex the main theme of a project, a key word in an idea or a phrase from a text – put it in the middle.
  3. From this main theme, key word or phrase you should write association, ideas, thought, argument etc. that are generated.
  4. Connect all these new posts both to your starting point but also to each other. This can give you a better overview of a text or new ideas on how to structure a project.
A mind map