Ballons celebrating the launch of ITU Student

ITU Student - A new platform to make student life a bit easier

ITU Student will replace Study Guide with the aim of giving students an improved user journey. It will hopefully make it easier for students to find information, access platforms and make use of all that ITU has to offer.

Written August 26, by Marlene Mee Ahrens

In week 35 all students will get access to a new platform named ITU Student. The new platform is an answer to a need expressed by students for some time.

“We wanted to create an improved user journey for our students. Surveys, interviews and tests showed that a lot of students had problems navigating Study Guide.

“ITU Student is the new one-point entrance that enables students to find everything they need to know about a topic"

Stine Due Hansen, Area Manager at SAP
They were also confused with all the different platforms; they were expected to use. They wanted one place where they could find everything. ITU Student has been designed to give them that.” says Stine Due Hansen, Area Manager at SAP. 

From the frontpage students can find links to all the platforms they need to use. Here they will also find relevant news, events and get instant access to some of the free services, ITU offer, such as dictionaries and the Microsoft office suite. 

New navigation and updated content

ITU Student will look familiar to most as the structure and navigation is similar to  

“One of our goals as described in our Communication Strategy is to create consistency in the visual expression across channels. Our users should be able to recognize immediately that this site is part of the IT University,” says Camilla Rosengaard 

 The new site has been created in close collaboration between Student Affairs and Programmes (SAP) and the Communication department. Stine Due Hansen, Area Manager at SAP, is also very happy with the result:

“ITU Student is the new one-point entrance that enables students to find everything they need to know about a topic – also on weekends and at night when the SAP front office is closed and our study advisors have gone home.”

Hopefully, our students will find it easier to navigate this new site and find what they are looking for.

Stine Due Hansen, Area Manager at SAP.

A main focus of ITU Student has been to make it easy to navigate. Most information should only be one or two clicks away. All content has also been revised, edited and reorganized with the user in mind. Instead of clicking in Study Guide, users are now expected to scroll a bit more, which tests have shown that they do. 

“It’s been important for us to understand what the students are looking for, and how they attempt to find it. We’ve been conducting several user tests to get an understanding of the logic they use when navigating the site. Hopefully, our students will find it easier to navigate this new site and find what they are looking for” says Stine Due Hansen.  

An ongoing process

SAP and the Communication Department at ITU have been working on the new ITU Student for a while and the platform will be launched to all students in week 35. But this does not mean that the platform is done.

“We’re looking forward to the reactions from the students. We hope they will find that ITU Student is an improvement, but we’re also interested in feedback from them, so we can make it even better, says Stine Due Hansen”.

Let us know

If you find dead links, typos, are missing information on the page or just have general feedback, please do let us know at

Visit ITU Student at