Why evaluate?
Your feedback is key to quality assurance and development of courses. Participating in course evaluations is your chance to influence aspects of courses that matter to you. Teachers go carefully through your feedback and use it to adjust courses. Future students attending the course benefit from your feedback - just like you benefit from previous evaluations. The impact of your participation in evaluations reaches far beyond the current semester.
How do I evaluate courses?
The course evaluation process looks like this:
- The Mutual alignment of expectations is a formative evaluation that takes place in class during the first half of the course.
- The Course evaluation (online survey) is open for participation during week 48-49 (autumn semester) and week 18-19 (spring semester). Participation is anonymous. You access the survey via the course pages in LearnIT. Look for the icon:

- Follow-up is done by teachers, Head of study programme, SAT (Subject Area Team), Board of Studies, and management.
Mutual alignment of expectations
During the first half of a course, teachers invite you and your fellow students to participate in a formative evaluation in class. This is your time to make yourself heard and share your good ideas and suggestions on how to make the course even better. When your share your opinion, the teachers have the possibility to adjust the course while it runs, to help your learning.
What can be changed?
Please note that not everything is up for change. This goes for the intended learning objectives and the exam format for example. The teachers have the last word in deciding what to adjust.
Course evaluation questions
The online course evaluation survey contains four questions and a comment box:
Please state your agreement with the following statements from 1 (strongly disagree) to 6 (strongly agree).
- Overall, I benefited from the course.
- The course was organized in a way that helped me learn.
- Teacher A-Z: The teacher’s teaching aided my learning.
- Teacher A-Z: The teacher contributed to an inclusive learning environment.
Comment box: Please give feedback on the course and your learning experience. Thank you for keeping a civil tone.
Students are anonymous when participating in the online survey. You are not anonymous when participating in the Mutual Alignment of Expectations or a qualitative end-evaluation in class.
What happens after the course evaluation?
Once you have participated in the course evaluation, the follow-up process begins. In the illustration below, you can see how your input becomes part of quality assuring and developing courses at ITU.