Atriumboks smal

Extra Info for Design Track students

We are happy to welcome students to our Design Track with various academic backgrounds.

This information is directed towards students with a bachelor background in Computer Science or other related areas.

We offer a mandatory course called ‘Programming for Designers’ in the 1st semester. This course is introductory and therefore directed towards Design Track students with no or little programming and game engine experience.

Exchanging Programming for Designers with an elective
If you have a strong background in these areas you we recommend you take an elective instead.

  1. Read the course description for ‘Programming for Designers’.
  2. Read more about electives here.
  3. Apply for an exemption to replace a module if you have done something similar in your bachelor and want an elective instead.

Have questions?
Do not hesitate to contact the Study and Career Guidance or SAP Front.