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Introduction Days

Program for the Introduction days

We have been working hard at making an exciting program for all of you. The full program is linked below, and you will also have a more detailed program when you arrive. Please note that the linked PDF is for all the programs, so make sure you are viewing the program that is correct for you.

We are very excited to meet you all very soon.


The program is on its way. Stay tuned!

Glitter and lights
Students sitting in auditorium

Academic Hours

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday during week 34 from 9.00 - 16.00, we, your Tutors, have planned a bunch of activities that will introduce you to each other as well as the academic and social life at ITU. You will be introduced to your new study programme, collaborate on tasks with your new classmates, and meet many of the different student organizations that contribute to the social life at ITU. Our goal is to prepare you as much as possible for the exciting years that are ahead of you at ITU. We can’t wait to meet you!

Afternoon Activities

From Monday to Wednesday during Week 34 from 16.00, we have planned various activities and excursions so that you can get to know not only the people from your own study program, but also across study programmes. Among other things, you will be competing in teams in what we call “Monday Games” and have a BBQ party at ITU! There will also be plenty of time to hang out with each other! The full program will be announced during academic hours. The official activities will end sometime during the evening, but you are welcome to stay and continue the fun if you want!

People sitting on grass

Freshers Festival

All new bachelor students are invited to the Freshers Festival on September 7th. The Freshers Festival will be packed with a range of fun and various activities, both on and around campus. This will be the perfect opportunity to get closer with some of your fellow freshers and get you familiarised with ITU and our many Student Organizations. We want to keep the activities as a surprise, but we promise that we won’t let you down! 

Intro Party

ITU would like to invite all new students at ITU, to an intro party.
The party is on:

August 23 2024 at 20.00-02.00 (8pm-2am)

There is no entrance fee, but you will need to sign up for the event.
The sign up link is on its way. Stay tuned!

Invitation to Intro Party