Atriumboks smal

Academic activities

ITU offers a couple of interesting academically based activities for you as a first semester student in Software Development. The activities are optional, but we encourage you to participate, as they can help you improve as a student throughout the semester.

StudyLab helps you becomeg even better at topics covered in your courses. It could be by discussing academic themes that you are curious about or by getting help with difficult material.

Additionally, StudyLab hosts interesting activities, such as review sessions and minor courses on relevant but non-curricular topics.
StudyLab is run by experienced ITU students.

Opening hours: 

Monday 12-14
Tuesday 14-16
Thursday 10-12

All Study Lab sessions are in room 3A50.

Live Coding
In the Live Coding sessions, you get hands-on experience with programming.  Teaching Assistants (TAs) will show you how coding can be done, by writing the code in front of and together with the students. 

Live Coding closely follows the course 'Grundlæggende Programmering' and you can join Fridays from 12-14 right after class in Foundations of Computing: Discrete Mathematics.