Atriumboks smal

What to have in mind

Be prepared for the online format 
You must find a way to support yourself during the examination. Ask yourself how you can keep the energy high and not rely on others non-verbal cheers.

Maybe you need post-its around your screen to keep up the spirit and the energy!  

Be aware of critical thoughts 
Be prepared how to handle your thoughts and emotions during the exams.Some studies show that it only takes one and a half second of silence in an online meeting, before people start having critical thoughts.

It is not hard to imagine. ‘Was that the wrong answer’, Am I just babbling a long here’, ‘Do they follow me at all’.

Now that you know that you might experience these critical thoughts because you do not receive all the non-verbal input you are used to, try to park them!  

Use meta-communication 
Say it out loud if you need a minute to think. Or ask your examiners whether they are following you if you think they are too quiet.

In short, ask and say the things that might be obvious in the physical meeting, but is challenged in the online setting.