Atriumboks smal

The application

As part of the application, you will be asked to select the course(s) you wish to apply for. You can select up to 3 positions, you wish to apply for.

You must also tell us how many of the selected courses (in ECTS), you wish to be employed for. For example, you can select and apply for 3 courses, but you are only interested in being employed for 15 ECTS, either as a single 15 ECTS course or two 7.5 ECTS courses. 

Prioritised list?
We no longer ask you to make a prioritised list, but ask you to list any and all courses that you can see yourself as a TA on. This in turn also means that if offered a course which you have selected and applied for, you are expected to accept this course. 

The cover letter

You are also required to submit a motivated application (called cover letter) as well as a CV and a recent transcript of records. The motivated cover letter can cover more than one course. The CV can include any part-time jobs, volunteer positions, specific skills or courses you think is relevant for the role.

Transcript of records
If you are enrolled as a student at ITU or another institution, you must upload an up-to-date transcript of records. If you are a graduate, you must upload a copy of your Bachelor's and/or Master's degree diploma (where relevant). 

Please use your ITU email in the application process and when communicating with TA Support if you are an active ITU student.