Here you can learn more about the collegiate bodies at the IT University.
- The Board of Directors
- The Board of Studies
- The Academic Board
- The PhD Board
- Subject Area Teams
The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is the highest authority of the IT University. The Board of Directors is composed of 1 chairman and 8 members. The Board of Directors represents the interests of the university as an educational and scientific institution and establishes the guidelines for the organization, the long-range-activities and the development of the university.
- As a member of the Board you will participate in making decisions concerning:
- Finances and budgets for the ITU
- The strategy for the long-range-activities at ITU
As a member of the Board of Directors you will be participating at around 3 yearly meetings and at an annual seminar.
To be able to run for membership of the Board of Directors you must be enrolled in a bachelor of science, master of science, master or a diploma programme at the university the first day in the month where the election has been called and at the time of the election.
The Board of Studies
The Board of Studies is set up to ensure the students´ influence on education and teaching. The Board of Studies must ensure planning, completion and development of education and teaching at ITU.
The Board of Studies is composed of 8 members appointed by the subject area teams and 2 members elected directly for the Board of Studies ITU.
- As a member of the Board of Studies you will be participating in
- Working out suggestions for new curricula
- Approving plans for organization of teaching and tests
Making statements and discuss issues on education and teaching, which the Vice Chancellor, or a person authorized by the Vice Chancellor, presents.
To be able to run for membership of the Board of Studies you must be enrolled in a bachelor of science, master of science, master or a diploma programme, within the area of the Board of Studies, the first day in the month where the election has been called and at the time of the election.
The Academic Board
The Academic Board is set up by The Vice Chancellor and is composed of 1 chairman and 4 members.
The Board makes statements to the vice chancellor concerning the internal allocation of funds and strategic science- and educational areas and plans for the knowledge sharing. It is also the Academic Board who gives out PhD- and doctor´s degrees. The Board can make statements on all academic issues of great concern for the activities at ITU and must discuss all issues presented by the vice chancellor.
To be able to run for membership of the Academic Board you must be enrolled in a bachelor of science, master of science, master or a diploma programme at the university the first day in the month where the election has been called and at the time of the election.
The PhD Board
The PhD Board is set up to ensure influence on the PhD-studies for the students. The PhD Board is composed of 8 members. Half of the members are elected among the scientific staff and half of the members are elected among PhD-students.
In the PHD Board you will be participating in:
- Approving PhD-courses
- Drawing up suggestions for internal guidelines for the PhD-School
- Approving applications on credit transfers and dispensations within the PhD-area
To run for membership of the PhD Board you must be enrolled in the PhD-studies at the university the first day in the month where the election has been called and at the time of the election.
Subject Area Teams
In the Subject Area Teams you will participate in developing your own education. You will be participating in developing courses, specializations and on the whole participate in ensuring coherence in the education. You might also get the possibility to be part of a appeals board, who handles complaints about examinations.
The Subject Area Team for Games consist of 2 VIP members and 2 students.
The Subject Area Team for Digital Design consist of 3 VIP members and 3 students.
The Subject Area Team for Computer Science (before Software) consist of 5 VIP members and 5 students.
The Subject Area Team for Business consist of 3 VIP members and 3 students.
2 members of each Subject Area Team, 1 VIP member and 1 student, represent the team in the Study Board ITU.
To be able to run for membership of a subject area team you must be enrolled in a bachelor of science, master of science, master or a diploma programme, within the area of the subject area team, the first day in the month where the election has been called and at the time of the election.
When seats are allocated in the Subject Area Teams for Business and Digital Communication – please see the rules on calculation of votes in the Election regulations – one seat is reserved for each level of programme. In the Subject Area for Computer Science one seat is reserved for the Master of Science programme, one for each of Bachelor programmes and one for the part time programmes. In case these seat are not taken, those with most votes in other categories, will take the seat.