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How to get to ITU

The IT University of Copenhagen
Rued Langgaards Vej 7
2300 Copenhagen S

The IT University is situated in the Ørestad right next to the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Copenhagen and the headquarters of the Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR).

You can take the metro almost to the doorstep of the IT University. The closest metro stop is DR Byen on the M1 line to Vestamager.

Map of the Area around ITU

Student Access Card

Student ID card

The student Access Card will give you round the clock access to the IT University and you can use it for copying, printing as well as payment of and access to the university’s fitness room.

ITU platforms

ITUstudent is your one-point-entry website at ITU. It offers you access to all the platforms you need to know about and be able to navigate in.

ITUstudent has all the relevant information you need to be aware of, concerning your specific study programme and all the general rules, regulations and procedures.

Blurry image of two students studying


Atrium + meeting rooms

The University has a canteen, a gym, a study hall, meeting rooms, thesis rooms, a bar, labs, a coffee shop and hang-out areas and also many different student organisations.

You can find more information about these facilities in the 'Campus' and 'Your Programme' tabs. 

SU grants and Loan scheme

SU is a Danish abbreviation for 'The Danish students' Grants and Loans Scheme'. It is financial aid for students.

Jar with coins on top of books