Atriumboks smal


During the course of your programme, you have to choose and pass a specialisation. This gives you a more distinctive profile and it is an opportunity to point your academic profile in the direction you wish to go after graduation.

You can choose one of the specialisations in the table below, or you can apply for an individual specialisation (see below).

For how to register, go to Study Administration / Registration

The details
Each specialisation amounts to a total of 22.5 ECTS points, and consists of three specific modules:

Module 1 is a 7.5 ECTS course that you attend during the second semester.
Modules 2 and 3 are 7.5 ECTS courses that you attend during the third semester.

Business Analytics Part 1 - 7.5 ECTS
Big Data Management
Part 2 - 7.5 ECTS
Data Mining
Part 3 - 7.5 ECTS
Intelligent Systems Programming
Read a description of the specialisation here

Programming Languages Part 1 - 7.5 ECTS
Programming Language Concepts and Implementation
Part 2 - 7.5 ECTS
Automated Software Analysis

This part of the specialisation can also be covered by Tools and Methods for Automatic Detection of Errors in Programs
Part 3 - 7.5 ECTS
Advanced Programming
Read a description of the specialisation here

Algorithms Part 1 - 7.5 ECTS
Algorithm Design
Part 2 - 7.5 ECTS
Applied Algorithms

This course has been replaced by Algorithm Design Project
Part 3 - 7.5 ECTS
Intelligent Systems Programming
Read a description of the specialisation here

Pervasive Computing Part 1 - 7.5 ECTS
Mobile App Development
Part 2 - 7.5 ECTS
Pervasive Computing
Part 3 - 7.5 ECTS
Pervasive Computing Project
Read a description of the specialisation here

Software Engineering Part 1 - 7.5 ECTS
Software Architecture
Part 2 - 7.5 ECTS
Enterprise Architecture
Part 3 - 7.5 ECTS
Advanced Software Engineering
Read a description of the specialisation here

Web Systems Part 1 - 7.5 ECTS
Previously called System Architecture and Security
Part 2 - 7.5 ECTS
Frameworks and Architecture for the Web
Part 3 - 7.5 ECTS
Scalability of Web Systems
Read a description of the specialisation here